Kit Instructions
You'll find instructions and related post for the various kits we offer below. If you've got additional questions about any of this stuff feel free to leave a comment on the instructions page or just yell at me directly via email (
Non-Enclosure Instructions
Electric Hamster Build Instructions
Rubber Band Gun Business Card Instructions:
Enclosure Instructions
A13-OLinuXino Enclosure Assembly Instructions
APC Enclosure Assembly Instructions
BeagleBoard Rev C Enclsosure Instructions
BeagleBoard-xM Enclosure Assembly Instructions
Beablebone Black enclosure Assembly
ODROID-X Enclosure with Fan Mount Assembly Instructions
ODROID-X Slim Enclosure Assembly Instructions
Open Bench Logic Sniffer Enclosure
pcDuino Enclosure Assembly Instructions
Raspberry Pi:
(New!) Clear Rasberry Pi Enclosure Assembly
(New!) Raspberry Pi Enclosure Assembly
Raspberry Pi and Adafruit LCD + Keypad Pi Plate Enclosure
Raspberry Pi A+/B+:
Clear Raspberry Pi A+ Camera Case
Clear Raspberry Pi B+ Camera Case