Raspberry Pi A+ Black Case


Grab a kit of this case from our store or grab the design files if you want to make your own or modify it!

Step 1: Remove the MaskingIMG_4589

All of the acrylic components have a brown paper masking on them.You will need to remove it to make the parts fit together nicely. It is best to start at a corner.


Make sure to remove the mask from both sides


Step 2: Attach the delrin clips and Mount the PCB


Take the Raspberry Pi and mount it in place as shown in the images above.

Step 3: Place the Pi on the bottom panel

IMG_4605 IMG_4606

Step 4: Put the SD Card side in place

IMG_4609 IMG_4610

Step 6: Put the USB side in place

IMG_4612 IMG_4615

Step 7: Attach the Top Panel

IMG_4616 IMG_4619IMG_4620IMG_4621

Step 8: Snap the I/O side in place

IMG_4622 IMG_4625

Step 9: Snap the Power/HDMI/Audio side into place

IMG_4627 IMG_4629

CONGRATULATIONS! You now have a fully assembled Raspberry Pi B+ Black Case!

IMG_4631 IMG_4636 IMG_4635 IMG_4633
